Well...hello there!
Ummm...so to the four readers I used to have...I completely apologize for my epic blogging failure. My life turned upside-down last summer and blogging went way down on the priority list! And although you probably don't care what happened, I want to make myself feel better, so I'm going to give you a list of excuses as to why I haven't paid any attention to my blog for six months. Here they are:
1. Work has been crazy and I taught a new class last semester that...shall we say...kicked my trash. I also got a new boss in July so that has been a transition too
2. Vacations ;)
3. I got engaged
4. I planned a wedding
5. I got married
6. There were holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Labor Day, 4th of July, ummm Columbus Day, Veterans Day, a bunch of birthdays, also New Years' and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day...the Chinese New Year...or is that coming up? Boxing Day, Black Friday...anyway there are lots of holidays during the year. It's busy.
7. I trained for and ran my first half-marathon (woohoo!)
8. I moved
9. I was lazy
10. I was forgetful
Ok some of those excuses are pretty lame and actually inexcusable; however, it's a new year, and I have decided to make my blog a priority again. It's something I enjoy doing, and I like to think that one day somebody will email me just to say how much my cyberspace ramblings actually helped them. Uhhh...yah right!
At any rate, blogging definitely helps me remain accountable and focused, even if it's just to myself. So this entry is just to get me going again...it's not for any readers who I hope may still be out there!